5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Morning


Productivity isn’t about doing more. It’s about making the most of the time that you do have. And, if you missed my post on how much money you’re losing by not working to your potential, I urge you to check it out here.

Our morning routine sets the tone for the entire day. Make the most of your morning with these

5 simple tricks:

  1. 7 Minutes of movement. That’s less time than it takes for your iPhone to snooze. Why only 7? It’s short enough that you may actually do it, but long enough to wake you up and get shit moving. What do you do? Try yoga or check out the 7 Minute Workout App. (Extra credit if your cool down involves meditation!)
  2. Eat a Green Breakfast. I get it, you’re out the door and it’s easier to get coffee and a bagel than it is to make something. And while that’s fine once in a while, juicing or making a smoothie takes less time than toasting a bagel. It’s cheap & easy. So what’s your excuse? For some yummy recipes by Kris Carr, click here.
  3. Pick 3 big wins. While you’re waiting for that smoothie from Tip #2 to blend, you can easily think ahead to the question your significant other or mother will ask you that evening: “How was your day?” What are the 3 accomplishments you will want to share? Even if they are small, planning will help you to set yourself up for success. Why? Because without a plan you’re at the mercy of your inbox, doomed to let 8 hours pass without accomplishing what truly matters.
  4. Block out your calendar. For each of those 3 things. Block out the time it will take and add in at least 25% more time as a buffer. If it’s a multi-day project, break it into smaller tasks and block out time so that unexpected meetings don’t get in your way.
  5. Take a power break. Take 15 minutes after lunch to refocus by meditating, going for a walk, or anything else that gets you away from your computer. After that, decide how you want to use the rest of your day. Are you ahead of schedule with your 3 tasks? Behind? What needs to be done to ensure your success? These 15 minutes will allow you to see where you got derailed and learn from your mistakes.

Give this morning plan a try for one week. You’ll see a huge spike in your productivity, health, and happiness! 

What's your morning ritual? How does it impact your day?

Dedicated to Chrissie, a great friend and “cubie” who brightened my morning and made my office job more tolerable and significantly less productive.